Sunday, November 28, 2021

#874. Sondheim

Ahh, parody cheat day.  Exhale.

Stephen Sondheim died yesterday.  He was 91.


"Gimme Sondheim any day."

(mark: 15.  I honestly thought Paulie called them "Barker House" rolls.  It took me me 51 years to become acquainted with the yeast-related term "Parker House."  Wow!   You're probably thinking... such a self-deprecating auto-biographical tidbit is hella infectious).

Ragtime (instrumental)

Sondheim (instrumental)
Stephen Sondheim


Growing up, my brother Tolkien would play this song on the Safer-Steinway in our living room.  Over.  And over.

Please do not share this material with my brother and/or any person related to the late Stephen Sondheim.

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