Tuesday, September 28, 2021

#711. Senator Thune

Donald Trump in 2020 --- “RINO John Thune, ‘Mitch’s boy’, should just let it play out.  South Dakota doesn’t like weakness.  He will be primaried in 2022, political career over!!!”

Needless to say, the Orange Prolapse doesn't care much for Thune.  As usual, he spouts off with his routine, effortless imbecility.  But if Trump had given his statement any serious consideration, he would realize that no such primary competitor exists in the state of South Dakota.  The only viable primary opponent is Kristi Noem who has made it abundantly clear that she's going to remain in the executive office of Governor.

Senator Thune

His name’s John Thune
He is John Thune
So what if Trump had lost
He was pure scum
Wet dreams
And failed to heal the scars

Bullshit full
See what I meant
‘Cause his bite’s not strong
Just like a dud
Trump is all bark

He’s Senator John Thune
Senator John Thune
Senator John Thune
Senator John Thune

Sail To The Moon

I sucked the moon
I spoke too soon
And how much did it cost?
I was dropped from
And sailed on shooting stars

Maybe you'll
Be president
But know right from wrong
Or in the flood
You'll build an ark

And sail us to the moon
Sail us to the moon
Sail us to the moon
Sail us to the moon



8-8-01, Blossom Music Center, Cuyahoga Falls, OH

7-26-18, PPG Paints Arena, Pittsburgh, PA

2003 was a great year for Radiohead.  Solid concerts.  Not too rockin'.  Not too dreamy.  Just right.

Please do not share this material with Senator John Thune (R-SD).


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