A poem I wrote about 48 seconds ago. It's entitled "Trump's An Orange Prolapse."
Leaves me feeling entirely delighted
And it’s because he’s such a total ass
His nom de plume is Orange Prolapse
Whatever. It is what it is. Literary license bitches!
Indicted Cunt
Trump is the enemy
Trump is an obscenity
The Orange Prolapse is very mean
Stormy D. titty-fucked for one thirty
Double chin, extra chin
Jew mother fucker
Kushnerin’, way too thin
Jared faggot cock sucker
Double chin, extra chin
Jew mother fucker
Trump’s a clown MAGA endeavor
Such a clown you will discover
White White White Diet Diet
Big Mac lard, Big Mac red
Big Mac fatter, Big Mac clown
Fake instead
He’s always fake instead. You blow.
United Blood
Agnostic Front
Talk about unity
Talk abour conformity
You don't want to support the scene
Why don't you get the fuck away from me
I'm a skin, you're a skin
Who's gonna suffer
Live in sin, where you been
You're all gonna go under
I'm a skin, you're a skin
You're gonna suffer
Push around and stab each other
Fight around and kill each other
Fight Fight Fight Riot Riot
Beat him hard, beat him dead
Beat him harder, beat him down
Break their legs
We're gonna break their legs. Let's go.
From 1985 to 2022, Agnostic Front has blitzkrieged
the Burgh a grand total of 24 times.
Never seen 'em.