"We don't attack Putin or Moscow. We fight on our territory." --- Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky
My thought process goes something like this. WHY THE FUCK NOT?
Seems to me that the quickest way to end this war would be to kill your opponent and his/her political leadership. In this case, Vladimir Putin and the Russian oligarchy. These are the individuals responsible for the invasion and occupation of Ukraine.
At a bare minimum, they should have to live "with eyes in the back of their heads."
Who’ll Stop Ukraine
Trump castrate dismember
The Orange Prolapse and clown
Stock in Trump Tower’s soarin’
McDonald’s quarter pound
He put kids in cages
Lyin’ to Fox is fun
Vladimir’s blunder
Putin’s blunder
Who’ll stop Ukraine
All the clowns love MAGA
Helter skelter the new norm
Big Mac on the table
Diet Coke doncha know
Fecal fans and McMeals
Crap and toilet stains
Vladimir’s blunder
Putin’s blunder
Who’ll stop Ukraine
GOP is prayin’
Marjorie’s a whore
The Proud Boys suck whenever
Tryin' to make sperm
His asshole is sore and
Fucking very queer
Vladimir’s blunder
Putin’s blunder
Who’ll stop Ukraine
Who'll Stop The Rain
Credence Clearwater Revival
Long as I remember
The rain been comin' down
Clouds of mystery pourin'
Confusion on the ground
Good men through the ages
Tryin' to find the sun
And I wonder
Still, I wonder
Who'll stop the rain
I went down Virginia
Seekin' shelter from the storm
Caught up in the fable
I watched the tower grow
Five-year plans and new deals
Wrapped in golden chains
And I wonder
Still, I wonder
Who'll stop the rain
Heard the singers playin'
How we cheered for more
The crowd had rushed together
Tryin' to keep warm
Still, the rain kept pourin'
Fallin' on my ears
And I wonder
Still I wonder
Who'll stop the rain
CCR never played the Burgh.
But I have seen Fogerty. He opened for John Cougar Melloncunt at Star Lake.
John Fogerty:
7-5-05, Post-Gazette Pavilion, Burgettstown, PA