Sunday, April 11, 2021

#277. Guns Like Sell

Back in 2014, Robin Williams died by suicide.  He hung himself.  

Considering his iconic familiarity and generally beloved status, I thought to myself... hmm, Mrs. Doubtfire would have been a decent candidate to explain the potential downside of wireless disinformation/contamination and the prospect of an artificially generated stampede.  If only Mork would've revealed the information in a suicide note or streamed a video before taking his life.  I know, I know... pretty damn morbid.  I hear ya.  Whatevs.  I wrote a blog about it.  

Regrettably, everything I've written since 2005 is not transmissible on facebook (the links to my blog, books and website have been permanently disabled by the social media giant). 

Anyway, I figured that if a person's dead set on killing themselves, why not try to super-empower yourself at the last minute and divulge the nature of an undiscussable, asymmetric cyberthreat?  Try to fix, or at the very least, alter the inevitable trajectory of the "dominipede paradox."  Help heighten the level of general awareness with regard to challenging public safety issues in the realm of wireless technology and cellular  proliferation.  Hey, at least this way, something beneficial would come from your suicide.

This all got me to thinking about Biden's recent executive order on 'ghost' guns, the NRA agenda, deliberate and perpetual congressional gridlock, n'all. that. jazz. 

A convincing percentage of the American public supports common sense gun reform but it just never seems to go anywhere.  Even after the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.  Now if you really want Congress to act, you need to irrevocably shame the die-hard-core right wing of "we the people."  This could be accomplished by publishing the Sandy Hook crime scene photographs.  Such action would irreversibly and overwhelmingly alter public sentiment.  But let's be honest, that's not gonna happen.

However, it did give me another idea.  If, and it's a big if... if there was an admittedly demented social media movement that arose, one of livestreaming self-inflicted gun death suicides... and share "all the fun" with your friends and family in real-time.  For the sake of argument, let's just agree that such abhorrent activity would have essentially the same impact as releasing photographs/video footage of assault weapon inflicted mass murder crime scenes.  

Yep, it's easily one of the most disturbing ideas I've ever conceived of.  Maximum horror.  Unprecedented shock value.  In a single word... sick.  But if the idea actually caught traction, it would assuredly cause a tidal wave shift in the public's attitude toward guns.  Considering the fact that almost twice the number of gun deaths are from suicide, as opposed to homicide, from a numbers perspective, it's a viable option for moving public sentiment even further against the NRA.  Even the most extremist, intransigent members of the Republican party would have to reexamine their stance on gun rights.  Likely out of fear for their political survival.  But that aspect is wholly irrelevant.

After all, what politician in their right mind would wish to be identified with endorsing/condoning "gunshot suicide videos" as a necessary consequence for living in a "free" society?  

The "suicide solution" would be the next definitive step beyond the current strategy of "outrage and condemnation" followed by "thoughts and prayers."  And as mindlessly unsettling as the idea is, it's just one of those deals, where if you want to change the status quo on guns... the entire dilemma requires a new approach.  Or you can do nothing and hope the gun massacres don't evolve beyond elementary school children (hint: maternity ward).  Maybe that would change the way of things.  Then again, maybe not.

Guns Like Sell

Gun, gun, gun, gun [repeat line four times]
You better Trump your ass up in
An orange prolapse disguise
With the shaking of hips and your
MAGA surprise
Attempt to defile
And your wisdom smart
All the while farting from your putrid ass
Big Macs on a platter
And you’re getting much fatter
And nothing else matters
To the store
Go buy a gun

Gun, gun, gun, gun [repeat line four times]
You bought a gun today
A gun tonight
And keep your con job dealings
Ways you’ve lied. And if you're
Fakin’ the world’s end
Wrong not right
Your ammo will go far
Use the gun sights
If it’s the scotch imported whiskey
Drink it on the rocks
We’re gonna go kill one another
And play it on Fox
Go buy a gun

Run Like Hell
Pink Floyd

Run, run, run, run [repeat line four times]
You better make your face up in
Your favourite disguise
With your button down lips and your
Roller blind eyes
With your empty smile
And your hungry heart
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters
As the cockleshell shatters
And the hammers batter
Down your door
You better run

Run, run, run, run [repeat line four times]
You better run all day
And run all night
And keep your dirty feelings
Deep inside. And if you're
Takin' your girlfriend
Out tonight
You better park the car
Well out of sight
'Cause if they catch you in the back seat
Trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to mother
In a cardboard box
You better run 

Pink Floyd:

5-27-94, Cleveland Stadium, Cleveland, OH (left downtown to the opening chords of Astronomy Domine... don't ask)

5-29-94, Ohio Stadium, Columbus, OH (sneaked in with Wendy W. and Lisa C.)

5-31-94, Three Rivers Stadium, Pittsburgh, PA

Feel free to share this material with President Joe Biden and gun owners who are suicidal.

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