Tuesday, November 06, 2012

2012 election reflections from Wheeling, West Virginia (Ohio County)

I don't think about it too often.  But lately, I've been traveling through swing state Appalachia.  Wheeling, West Virginia, St. Clairsville, Ohio, Pittsburgh, PA.  Let's see.  Eastern Ohio and Western, PA.  Pretty much ground zero for today's election.  Romney's even making a last ditch appearance in Pittsburgh.  I think it's purely for the nationwide optics.  But I guess we'll find out soon enough.

Everywhere I look, I see the same signs...

These signs are very effective, but also incredibly disingenuous.  Has it ever occurred to ANYONE that the "war on coal" is simply the result of a natural gas glut.  Not to mention the increased oil demand from China, India and everywhere else.  This "War on Coal" snippet is easily rebuked.  I'm amazed the Obama team just lets them get away with this narrow discourse.  When one sector of the energy market surges or takes a hit, the other sectors generally respond inversely.  Maybe there isn't a war.  Maybe it's just the good 'ol Republican capitalistic marketplace at work.  If Obama somehow loses this thing, I'd say these signs played a significant role.  They are real.  They are tangible.  And they are everywhere.

I also think Obama's team should have been relentless on the pro-choice issue.  They did a half-hearted job with it.  Trust me, abortion being outlawed in cases of rape and incest is not a mainstream position.  On the flip side, I'm surprised Romney didn't gripe more about gay marriage.  It's a net winner, especially with older voters in the swing states. 

So the big 2012 election has finally arrived...

Bill the Butcher is right!  It is election day.  Incidentally, Daniel Day Lewis is one of the best, low profile actors in all of Hollywood.  I never go the movies.  Lincoln could prove an exception. Anyhoo, here's my thoughts...

If I were part of the inner Romney circle (which I'm not), here's what I'd have done.  I would have constructed a last minute, negative political commercial.  Hitting him hard over the Benghazi incident.  Showing a split screen of him at a Beyonce/Jay Z fundraiser the following evening + rebels dragging our dead Libyan ambassador through the streets.  Then, I'd show another split screen of him jetting off on the campaign trail after a quick photo-op + desperate people, huddled in blankets in Hoboken and Staten Island.

You need to merge that condescending Obama smile and his stilted dance moves with images of suffering Americans and foreign aggressors.  Hit him where it really hurts. 

I would have gone overboard with the split screen images.  Totally fair game with inadequate time to respond.  It might have been just enough to foster the sufficient resentment.  But I doubt Mitt Romney's team had enough creative vision and rapid response assessment to figure this out. I envision Mitt runs his campaign like a poll driven, "dictatorial bureaucracy."  If you're trying to portray yourself as a scrappy underdog, this ain't a recipe for success.  Instead, he closes with the "oh beautiful, spacious, amber waves of grain" refrain.  Mitt, sorry to break the news....  Independents are usually cynical when exposed to that nonsense.
So Saf, I guess you're voting for Obama again.  WRONG.

I've decided to vote for the libertarian candidate, Gary Johnson.  Our country must break this 2 party death grip.  The only way... some of those fringe parties (Libertarian, Constitution, Green, etc.) need to reach that 5% threshold to get the federal matching funds.  And they needs to be real parties with grassroots activism, not just wealthy egomaniacs (Trump, Adelson, etc.) or people with good intentions like Ross Perot. 

Honestly though, If I lived in Ohio or Pennsylvania, I'd vote for Obama/Biden.  The Obama ticket is definitely the lesser of two evils.  Whereas, Romney/Ryan is the definition of evil, arrogance and ambivalence.  However, I live in northern, WV and our state is a solid shade of Romney red.  So I've decided to maximize the power of my vote and go with Johnson.

And this Gary Johnson guy is a complete bad ass.  2 term, respected Republican governor of New Mexico.  Screwed out of the debates for the likes of Herman Cain and Michele Bachmann.  Would it have killed Fox News and the Republican party to have someone with a different perspective in those zany, right-wing primary debates?  Yes, I believe it would have.  He speaks out against the war on drugs.  He wants a substantive overhaul of a draconian prison system which jails a greater percentage of its citizens than any civilized country on the planet.  It's a modern version of slavery.  He opposes an imbecilic, interventionist, nation building foreign policy.  He's a man who created REAL construction jobs, instead of Romney who disposed of them.  In other words, he created real prosperity, not just paper money at the expense of the middle class.  Johnson also brings a wealth of knowledge regarding border state immigration issues.  He's a consistent Ironman competitor.  Then, he breaks his leg.  So what better an idea than to climb Mt. Everest?

So if you reside in WV or a state that has already been predetermined, I'd encourage a vote for a gutsy visionary like Gary Johnson.  Over the past 2 years, Obama has kind of let me down in these two areas.  As far as Romney goes, he has neither "guts" nor "vision."  I do give him credit for relentlessly campaigning for the last 8 years.  He knows how to accept and spend those campaign donations.  At least he got that part right.  Funny how he only spent about $500,000 (out of his vast personal 300+ million dollar fortune) on his own campaign.  But... I believe he does want the job.  Of course, he also wants a car elevator.  What Mitt wants, Mitt usually gets.  But can he buy the presidency???  That's a toughie.

I also think Obama should have pushed the following argument.  Do you want someone who's a BOSS or do the American people want a LEADER?  The word "boss" or "owner" carries negative implications.  The word "leader" implies movement and progress.  And I do give the Obama team credit for devising a strong, overriding campaign theme... FORWARD

One final thought.  There are virtually no Obama signs or bumper stickers in Wheeling.  There are a few Romney/Ryan ones here and there, but nothing noteworthy.  I still see more "W" bumper stickers.  Come to think of it, I'd be reluctant to put up an Obama yard sign, especially if I lived on a busy roadway.  You're virtually begging to be a victim of senseless vandalism.

Oh yeah, and the empty chairs are out in a few places.  You'd think that Clint Eastwood routine at the RNC would have been a source of humiliation and embarrassment.  Wrongo.  Not around here.  Wealthy West Virginia Republicans tend to truly embrace the Fox News propaganda machine and general themes of "dumbshitedness."  They're unmatched.  It's almost as though this recessive strain of hillbilly blood seeps through their arteries. 

Alright, enough blabbering.  I'm off to perform my civic duty. 

My advice isn't too popular these days, but I'm specifically pushing for the following candidates:

Erikka Storch - (R) House of Delegates
Tom Burgoyne - (D) Sheriff
Joe Manchin - (D) Senate
Patty Levenson - (R) Commissioner
Letitia Chafin - (D) WV Supreme Court
Brian Savilla - (R) Secretary of State (he's going to lose by a wide margin)
Sue Thorn - (D) House of Representatives (she's going to lose by an even wider margin)

Saf, what about the WV gubernatorial race?  Yeah, what about it?  Tomblin or Maloney?  I'd rather choose between vegan pastrami and kosher spam.  Perhaps, I'll take my own "break the gridlock" advice and cast a vote for the Mountain party.   Odd that I'd still be undecided with regard to my choice for governor while I'm consistently adamant about my choice for dog catcher.


sonofsaf said...

I just got back from voting. I found the two ordinances at the end of the ballot VERY disconcerting. They involved term limits on the office of sheriff and a repeal of the two-cop per cruiser law.

Even though I researched both ballot initiatives and knew which way I was voting, both were incredibly confusing. The wording, although precise, was verbose and unnecessary. And I was previously familiar with the shit!

I'd be curious to see just how many voters completely understood what they were voting "for" or "against."

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Pisaluo: ? Huan of an ancient type of spoon acts the role of? of door meal this the graph hires graceful couplet forward to cope with Bai Ren
Pisaluo: ? Huan of an ancient type of spoon acts the role of? of door meal this the graph hires graceful couplet forward to cope with Bai Ren
Www.7m.cn On January 25, 2013 origin: Netease sports
PeruvianVeteranPisaluoLast summer returnBai Ren, but he can serve as the 3rd center only in Bai Ren, and had not been in up to nowDe JiaLeague matches obtains a goal, this cortical Sa Luo Hai got the worry of a few injury. Rest in De Jiadong period in first match later, conquer of Bai Ren 2-0Feierte, and Pisaluo still did not gain a field opportunity. To this Pisaluo expresses, "Nowhere is absent competition, any positions can have any team competition. I had achieved the requirement of the match now, in this weekday the coach can use me. In this weekday the coach can use me..

" Munich daily " : Pisaluo calls him condition beautiful

Be in Bai Ren will be in weekend guest field is right blastSitujiate, situjiate the forward inside the teamYibisheweijiThis sports season has been hit into 10 De Jia to score a goal, in addition Situjiate is firm still fromGraceful coupletLeasedItalyForwardMa Kai is amounted to, this match Bai Ren cannot underestimate the enemy.
Pisaluo expresses, oneself current body condition is first-rate, hope to be able to play the game more only, "My feeling is unprecedented now good, almost never so feel well, I need to play the game more only. I always had problem of a few injury in the past, although be inNot Lai plumAlso be such when effectiveness, but everything is very good now. Yes, I had appeared problem of a few muscle, and the germ of the problem is in my back, my pelvic in a way has some of amlposition. But I can accept specialized training regularly according to the requirement now, bai Ren club has first-rate medical treatment department. Bai Ren club has first-rate medical treatment department..
Pisaluo came 2001 during 2007 ever effectiveness Yu Bairen, should be asked current Bairen is mixed at the outset when who is stronger, pisaluo laugh says, "If be in the word before a special to phenanthrene Er match, it is the most powerful that I can say this raises Bai Ren now, ha. " Bai Ren although Er of 2-0 conquer humble is special, but the expression of the team after contest still got a few criticism. Pisaluo expresses then, "2005 or the Bai Ren when 2003 is very powerful also, nevertheless this Bai Ren is having very outstanding actual strength now, I ever had said last summer, we can win everything. We can win everything..
At present Bai Ren is hadDagger Mai Si, Manzujiji, Pisaluo 3 outstanding center, pisaluo expresses, "Advocate handsome meeting make right choice, but the player that no matter be the player on field or reserve banquet,goes up is very outstanding. We 3 people are having different characteristic, am I is the technology [url=http://www.palmexpo.in/cheapnikeshoes.aspx]nike for cheap[/url] best? This should make conclusions by others. Yes, I still can be mixed other center comes on the stage together, the part of the person that act secondary attack, I ever also was mixed in Bai Ren in the past partner of Aierbai, Ma Kai passes. I need to acquire ball right, I am not the player that the sort of in foremost face leaving that await teammate to pass a ball, I await ceaselessly without patience. I await ceaselessly without patience..
Final Pisaluo still spoke of his target, "I hope Bai Renben sports season can win all championship, I think we have this actual strength. To my individual, the mainest champion is of courseOu Guan, I say all the time, this is the matter that I decide return Bai Ren, because be here,my opportunity wins this championship. Also ever other club had been given out to me last summer invite, but I often am familiar with Bai Renfei, I must go to my saying me Bai Ren. I must go to my saying me Bai Ren..

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