Monday, April 26, 2021

#326. Kay Ivey Kay

Aside from targeting the transgender population with punitive legislation, Governor Kay Ivey from the hate (accidental typo) state of Alabama has another claim of distinction.  When faced with the dilemma of deteriorating prison conditions, she devised a plan.  She wanted the big banks to finance the construction of three brand spankin' new prisons statewide.  Top of the line facilities.  But all of the banks recently backed out.  So now she's exploring the idea of selling bonds, municipal shit, etc.

Rather than try to limit the grip of private prisons and alter the trajectory of mass incarceration, her goal is to build nicer, newer jailing facilities.  Way to roll back the clock Kay!  Just what the doctor, er uh, elderly tyrant ordered.

In the year 2021, when your governor is seriously considering a return to her retro 1950's hair-do... well, that's generally not a good sign.

Kay Ivey Kay

Kay, Ivey Kay
Stay away the fuck instead
Kay, Ivey Kay
Stay away the fuck instead

The color of your grey hair
Leaves me blind
Still when you get nude
I prepare to dine

Kay, Ivey, Kay
Stay away the fuck instead
Kay, Ivey, Kay
Pray like you’re in denial

Likley not a good lay
Why you fuck us all the while

Her shit is flirty, and her -
Her ass ain’t clean
Still I stick my dick in it
Kinda mean

Kay, Ivey, Kay
Pray like you’re in denial

Your passion grows stronger when transgendered lose not win
But it’s the mere thought of fucking you
Your passion grows stronger without menstrual blood
Still her tampon, string theory too

Kay, Ivey, Kay
Stay away the fuck instead
Kay, Ivey, Kay
And pray with the right you’ll end up dead

My dong will get you when the time is right
My dong will speak to you in creamy white

Kay, Ivey, Kay
And pray with the right you’ll end up dead 

Lay Lady Lay
Bob Dylan

Lay, lady, lay
Lay across my big brass bed
Lay, lady, lay
Lay across my big brass bed

Whatever colors you have
In your mind
I'll show them to you
And you'll see them shine

Lay, lady, lay
Lay across my big brass bed
Stay, lady, stay
Stay with your man awhile

Until the break of day
Let me see you make him smile

His clothes are dirty, but his -
His hands are clean
And you're the best thing that he's
Ever seen

Stay, lady, stay
Stay with your man awhile

Why wait any longer for the world to begin?
You can have your cake and eat it too
Why wait any longer for the one you love?
When he's standing, in front of you

Lay, lady, lay
Lay across my big brass bed
Stay, lady, stay
Stay while the night is still ahead

I long to see you in the morning light
I long to reach for you in the night

Stay, lady, stay
Stay while the night is still ahead

Bob Dylan:

7-18-99, Star Lake Amphitheater, Burgettstown, PA (w/ Paul Simon)

11-5-99, Civic Arena, Pittsburgh, PA (w/ Phil Lesh)

8-6-03, Germain Amphitheater, Columbus, OH (w/ The Dead)

8-20-06, Falconi Field, Washington, PA (just driving by, we snuck in near the end)

Please do not share this material with Governor Kay Ivey (R-AL).

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