Eastern Ohio religious crusader Brian Z. Chrisagis weighed in on Paula White's recent appointment. She's Donald Trump's new "Faith Official" in the White House.
I prefer assturd.
The Orange Prolapse extends his tiny mushroom penis in the direction of White's Christian rectum. |
Yinz wanted the D-gs of wrath. Yinz got it!!!
Paula White
Republicans fight and Ivanka’s a dyke
Mushroom inevitable in the bum
Trump’s tiny dick is motorboatin’ Paula White
And her cunt is fuckin’ dry
A cunt and dyke, she’s Paula White
Insurrection plan, Oath Keepers I cannot stand
Insurrection plan whatever
Fist Lady wife she could BeBest
But she’s a lyin’ Slovenian
A retarded European plan
A cunt and dyke, she’s Paula White
The Mystery Lights
I can't hold you tight for as long as you'd like
For that inevitable day will come
When we will flicker and go out just like the candlelight
As our love will hang out to die
Our love is like, the candlelight
I can hold your hang, only if you understand
I can't hold your hand forever
A grip on life's a grip on death
And I'm tryin' to be a man
Trying hard to do the best I can
Our love is like, the candlelight
To the best of my knowledge, The Mystery Lights have neither mystified nor enlightened the Burgh.
Never heard of 'em.