James "Jimmy" Comer, Chair of the Oversight Committee, lashed out at Congressman Maxwell Frost for referring to the Orange Prolapse as the "grifter-in-chief."
Long story short, old white man got triggered by young black man.
Seriously, the Clown-in-Chief is still peddling holy bibles, golden sneakers, electric guitars, etc. If you go to the "Trump Store" you will discover a list of 168 miscellaneous trinkets for sale. If that doesn't constitute grifting, what does?
You gotta wonder how Comer would react to seeing a real-world Trump Dump.
I suppose he'd try to sanction and punish the turd tagger. #decorum
As opposed to simply cleaning up the shit. #leadership
I've said it before and I'll say it again. In preparation of hosting the NFL Draft, the city is spending 5 million on upgrades to the stadium and the ballpark. Before those enhancements proceed, I'd suggest hitting up the nearest Home Depot and purchasing a shovel.
Larry Fuckin’ Comer
We be jammin’
Kentucky is shitty, Americans fight
Kentucky is shitty, Americans hate
The Donald is a clown
That Donald mother fucker
The Donald’s still a clown
That Donald shits no doubt
McDonald’s will delight, Big Macs tub of lard
Forty-seven’s a dumbass retard
Asshole’s bold, ass is bold
The Donald is a sinner
The Donald is a sinner
Jimmy fuckin’ Comer
He’s Jimmy fuckin’ Comer
Jimmy fuckin’ Comer
Jimmy fuckin’ Comer clown
Kushner’s softcore, a Jewish shitshow
Throw Trump Vodka into a blender
Alcoholics to kill
The Donald is a sinner
Hell, The Donald is a sinner
Jimmy fuckin’ Comer
Jimmy fuckin’ Comer
Jimmy’s a Congressman
Stormy’s a whore, whore, whore, whore
Job to blow
Gary's Got A Boner
The Replacements
C'mon little kiddie, get your head on right
C'mon little kiddie, get your head on straight
You're gonna get her down
You're gonna finger to her
You're gonna suck me down
You're gonna see her out...
Forget about the lights, girl, and the cars
You never heard somebody so far
Grab a hold, gonna hold
You're gonna stick it to her
You're gonna stick it to her
Gary got a boner
Cause Gary's got a boner
Gary's got a boner
Gary's got a boner now
You locked that door, rolled up that window
Tied your sister up by the fender
I don't know if I will
You're gonna stick it to her
Yes, you're gonna stick it to her
Gary got a boner
Gary's got a boner
Gary's got a soft-on
Enough for more, more, more, more
Let it go
From 1984 to 1991, The Replacements
supplanted the Burgh a grand total of 5 times. Each time a different
venue: The Decade, Graffiti, Syria Mosque, A.J. Palumbo Center,
Metropol. Never saw 'em.
Although I do have fond memories of scalping their show at Bogart's in Cincy back in the spring of 1989. Shortly before my first Dead show. Made me a bundle.