Saturday, March 06, 2021

#167. Sinema

Senator Kyrsten Sinema, the spirited Democrat from Arizona, just gave a flamboyant, deliberate thumbs down to the $15 minimum wage hike.  Interesting. 

Meanwhile, Senator Joe Manchin held up the Covid relief bill for 9 hours so a rather trivial adjustment could be made with unemployment benefits.

I think I know what's going on here.  Sinema and Manchin got together and decided to form an "alternative, centrist coalition."  One designed to finally make inroads into dismantling the Senate's reliance on blind partisanship and strict party-line votes.  In a 50/50 Senate, since each member's allegiance is absolutely critical, I think Sinema and Manchin are weighing the "political capital quotient/coinage" of being perceived as the only moderates capable of reaching out to the small number of moderate Republicans (Romney, Murkowski, etc.).  When I use the term "moderate," I'm referring to the handful of Republicans who had the audacity to believe that Trump should be disqualified from holding future office after leading an insurrection that got 5 people killed and injured 100+. 

Both Sinema and Manchin knew, if they were going to make their point, it would be necessary to steal the show during the 1.9 trillion Covid relief bill.  Why?  Because just 2 months in, the ultimate success or failure of the this legislation will likely define the entire Biden administration moving forward.  So if that was their intention (seriously, what else could have possibly been their motivation?), it appears they were both successful.

Times have changed.  Instead of Lindsey "closet homo" Graham or Kevin "joseph" McCarthy going down to Mar-A-Lago to kiss the ring of an Orange Prolapse, you simply flip the script.  Now, it becomes President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris being forced to reach out to the newly formed Manchin/Sinema coaltion to seek their tacit approval on any future legislation.  Regardless, from here on out, the media will be pestering Manchin and Sinema for their opinions on any major, future policy moves. 

Right now, the timing and optics for such a move are exceptional.  As the average voter thinks the Senate is forever broken.  All they really need is a cutesy, original nickname for their new coalition.  Maybe a hybrid of Democrats & Republicans... Democans, Demoreps, Fix-it-Crats, or some other comparable bullshit.

In the interim, I wouldn't be too surprised if Sinema starts getting referred to as the Punky Brewster of the Senate.  Kyrsten "Punky" Sinema.  Think about it.


The timing's right as Soleil Moon Frye is currently making a comeback on Peaflix or Netcock or whatever.

But invoking the subliminal Marie Antoinette let them eat cake routine?  And the mocking of the late John McCain thumbs down which saved Obamacare?  And the skirt with the hooker boots and designer handbag?  Hmm, I dunno. 

Maybe she could've chosen a different, less high profile angle.  Although, if you're overriding purpose is to steal the show, I'm not sure what that could have been.  The $15.00 universal minimum wage was a hot-button, sticking point.

Regardless, her maneuvering got everyone's attention.  So I will salute her publicity stunt with the weakest possible parody of 'em all.  An instrumental.

Dedicated to Sinema.



Just an aside, the Yes version of "Cinema" would make for absolutely killer intro material for future campaign rallies.  It has this unmistakably, overwhelmingly unifying, anthemic vibe.

Never seen Yes.  Perhaps some day.

Please do not share this information with Senator Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ), Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), Senator Mitt Romney (R-UT), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Representative Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), former President Donald J. Trump, Soleil Moon Frye, and/or those seemingly desperate to go to the movies in the age of Covid.

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