Saturday, May 08, 2021

#361. Vote On

Lots of stories about Republican state legislatures passing voter suppression bills.  Georgia, Florida, Texas, and so on and so forth.  

Well, you know what they say?  If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Naturally, that means I'll be donating a significant percentage of my life savings to the Donald J. Trump Election Defense and Integrity Fund.  What other solution is there?  Must donate... NOW!  #OrangeProlapse2024



Vote On

I want to vote but I cannot vote just stay away
Well, cough to get off, is something that they say
Republicans are way out of touch, oh, why do they pray
Well, you coughed to get off and continued to pray

So we’ll all vote on, and pray
So we’ll all vote on, and pray
So we’ll all vote on, and pray
And we'll all vote on what the hey, well

Republicans perpetuating crimes is the plan
They are the shit that’s stained with the blood of the lamb
Fake news dumb, aren’t you sorry ‘bout the Orange Prolapse man
Fake news that jerk has too many fans
Our votes were suppressed in the exact same way
Well, this vote con, looks like it’s here to stay

So we’ll all vote on, and pray
So we’ll all vote on, and pray
So we’ll all vote on, and pray
And we'll all vote on, that’s right

Hold steady, we'll all vote on
No, they’re not sorry, we'll all vote on, hold tight
Hold steady, we'll all vote on, hold tight
Not sorry, we'll all vote on

Hold tight, hold steady
And we'll all vote on, hold tight
Hold steady, we'll all vote on, hold tight
Not sorry, even if things end up like shit
Not many, we'll all vote on, hold tight

Hold steady, we'll all vote on hold tight
Hold steady, we'll all vote on, and pray
Not sorry, even if there ain’t many
We'll all vote on, hold tight

Hold steady, we'll all vote on (hold tight)
No, they’re not sorry, we'll all vote on (hold tight)
We'll all vote on 

Float On
Modest Mouse

I backed my car into a cop car the other day
Well, he just drove off, sometimes life's okay
I ran my mouth off a bit too much, oh, what did I say?
Well, you just laughed it off and it was all okay

And we'll all float on, okay
And we'll all float on, okay
And we'll all float on, okay
And we'll all float on anyway, well

A fake Jamaican took every last dime with that scam
It was worth it just to learn some sleight of hand
Bad news comes, don't you worry even when it lands
Good news will work its way to all them plans
We both got fired on exactly the same day
Well, we'll float on, good news is on the way

And we'll all float on, okay
And we'll all float on, okay
And we'll all float on, okay
And we'll all float on, alright

Already, we'll all float on
No, don't you worry, we'll all float on, alright
Already, we'll all float on, alright
Don't worry, we'll all float on

Alright, already
And we'll all float on, alright
Already, we'll all float on, alright
Don't worry, even if things end up a bit
Too heavy, we'll all float on, alright

Already, we'll all float on alright
Already, we'll all float on, okay
Don't worry, even if things get heavy
We'll all float on, alright

Already, we'll all float on (alright)
No, don't you worry, we'll all float on (alright)
We'll all float on

Pretty sure I've never seen the humble mice.  However, I do have a distant memory of hearing "Float On" from outside Stage AE.  I think they may have been an opening up act for someone.  Could have been a dream.  Not quite sure.  I do not know.

Please do not share this material with members of the Republican party who wish to ignorantly and deliberately suppress the right to vote.

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