Monday, May 17, 2021

#388. Hice-A-Roni

Georgia Congressman Jody Hice made his fortune as a fundamentalist preacher and political talk show radio host.  In essence, he's kind of a Limbaugh Light w/ a dollop of creamy evangelism.  Keep in mind, this imbecile is gunning for the Secretary of State job.  Fortunately, he'd only be serving the citizens of the Peach state.  Not the entire country like Pompeo.

(An well-deserved endorsement from the desk of 50 Shades Of Peach.)

At a recent Congressional hearing on the January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection, Hice denied that President Trump had any role in inciting violence and claimed that Trump supporters were the victims, not the perpetrators.  He said “they marched peacefully and patriotically to make their voices heard at the Capitol.”  Hice, along with Andrew Clyde and Paul Gosar, are among the most prominent "radical revisionists."

Hice addresses the massive throng (er uh, sparsely filled hotel ballroom of demented pro-life warriors) at CPAC 2020

If Trump were to ever get his twitter account reinstated, I'm quite certain that he'll receive a hearty congratulations from Jody Hice.  In fact, there's already a relatable jingle which has surfaced on the internet.

Hice-A-Roni Loves Orange Prolapsin’ Tweets

Rice-A-Roni The San Francisco Treat



I've always enjoyed the chicken and rice pilaf versions.  The beef flavor, uh, not so much.

Please do not share this information with Congressman Jody Hice (R-GA) and/or former President Donald Trump.

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