Thursday, May 13, 2021

#379. The Trump Anthem

Purely a hypothetical scenario.  But if you happen to see a parked car, probably a pick-up truck, adorned with one of these bumper stickers...

... I think it's politically commendable to spit on the windshields and windows.  Front to back.  Side to Side.  Behold the aesthetic!  Each window, now an artistic masterpiece of hocker, lugee, phlegm, whatever.  Encourage others to do the same.  I call it #SpitFest2021.  Let's make it go viral.  #MucusLovers

The Trump Anthem

Announcer: Please rise for the Trump Anthem.

Donald: No, no, no. For the Trump Anthem, you stay sitting down.  Like traitor Colin Kaeprnick!  Now brace yourself, I'm gonna disrobe:

Fauci’s against Covid that’s right!
Bring it on a Fauci fight!
Don't let the virus worsen the pain
Give Fox News your disdain (heheheh)

Let this be the Fauci cause:
Showcase the Orange Prolapse flaws!
Who doesn’t know a thing
Be sure to kiss the ring!

(Cue Trump Choir ooing in the background)

You know who hates immigrant girls?  Trumpers!
You know who would sell out his mother for a dollar?  Donald Trump!
So the next time an Orange Prolpase emerges and tells you it’s all fake news, just remember:

Don't let the virus worsen the pain,
Give Fox News your disdain
Give Fox News your disdain

The Grouch Anthem
Sesame Street

Announcer: Please rise for the Grouch Anthem.

Oscar: No, no, no. For the Grouch Anthem, you stay sitting down. Down in front there! Now brace yourself, I'm gonna sing:

Grouches of the world unite!
Stand up for your grouchly rights!
Don't let the sunshine spoil the rain
Just stand up and complain (heheheh)

Let this be the grouches' cause:
Point out everybody's flaws!
Something is wrong with everything
Except the way I sing!

(Cue Grouch Choir ooing in the background)

You know what's right with this world? Nuttin!
You know what gets me hot under the collar? You name it!
And the next time some goody-two-shoes smiles and tells you to have a nice day, just remember:

Don't let the sunshine spoil the rain,
Just stand up and complain!
Just stand up and complain!

I ventured to about a dozen Trump rallies.  Mostly in and around Pittsburgh (David Lawrence Convention Center and the airport).  Others in Youngstown, OH, Wheeling, WV, St. Clairsville, OH and of course the 2016 RNC Convention in Cleveland.

The more I reflect, the more I'm comfortable saying, "Hey America!  Well, uh, you got what you deserved."  We're just such a hyper-capitalistic, collectively shallow, jubilantly arrogant, unforgivably asinine society.  Pathetic!  Sad!

Feel free to share this information with former President Donald J. Trump and/or Sesame Street muppets.

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