Mike Kelly is the current Congressman of the 16th District of Pennsylvania (Erie and northwestern PA all the way down to the rural outskirts of Pittsburgh). This encompasses Butler County where him and his family reside. Here's Kelly, a Trump loyalist, who refers to himself as a 'person of color,' with one his grandkids at a MAGA rally.
My only question: Does this constitute child abuse? And if so, can the local child protective services department issue some kind of restraining order that keeps Grandpa Kelly's cock at least one foot away from this poor kid's mouth? Hey, the same proactive rationale would apply to the scumbags who sell heroin within 300 ft. of a school zone. Am I right?
Maybe one day that kid will follow in his father's footsteps. Grow up, run for office, and rid us of the scourge of Democracy and representative government. Dare to dream.
Here's Kelly kissing the ass of the Orange Prolapse. #FlourescentIntestine
I occasionally drive through the Southern tip of Butler County. So naturally, I find the physical proximity of Kelly's existence to be exceedingly offensive.
The Kelly Song
Kelly stop fondling, Erie boys’ behinds
Write legislation asinine.
You defile smugly; your ass is unclean;
You molest children like a Trump Frankenstein.
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, K-E-L-L-Y...
Why? Because you're
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly decline!
Decline, Cline, Cline, Cline,
Cline, Cline, Cline, Cline,
Cline, Cline, Cline, Cline,
Cline, Cline, Cline
... Decline!
The Kelly Song
Kelly my darling, you are my sunshine;
When we're together I feel fine.
Your smile is so lovely; your hair is so clean;
You make me feel that the whole world is mine.
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, K-E-L-L-Y...
Why? Because you're
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly, Kelly,
Kelly, Kelly, Kelly of mine!
Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine,
Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine,
Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine,
Mine, Mine, Mine, Mine,
... Mine!
Sorry about this one. It was a tiny bit distasteful. But I'm on a Cheers kick.
Just an aside... you'd think that Woody would've gotten typecast since he played the "backwoods dufus" throughout his early television career. Obviously not the case.
Please do not share this with Mike Kelly (R-PA), former President Donald J. Trump, and/or actor Woody Harrelson.
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